Adoption Initiative: The Green Olive Project

To celebrate our 6th year in business, the owners of My Greek Orchard are donating 6% of our TOTAL ANNUAL SALES (online, retail, and wholesale) to Green Olive Project, a fund they created to aid families with adoption.
Adoption is a cause the My Greek Orchard owners are passionate about because of parallel childhood experiences. Both originally from Greece, Mr. Jimmy Pappas and Mr. Sam Efthimios Calloway, each made it to the United States at different ages through adoption. While the similarities of their adoption story ends there, both believe they would not be where they are today if it wasn't for the love, encouragement & support of their adopted families. Because of this, it has been a dream of the partners to donate a percentage of their earnings to a deserving family looking to adopt.
Adoption can lead to opportunities and experiences that the adoptee may not have had otherwise. Adopted children are more likely to have better educational and personal success due to the financial security and support of their adoptive parents. Unfortunately, the process of adopting is lengthy and extremely expensive! Now, with 6% of our total annual proceeds going straight to the Green Olive Project, we hope to alleviate as much of the financial burden as possible for the adopting families. Our longterm goal is write a larger check every year, increasing a percentage point annually to coordinate with the number of years we have been in business.